External references: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/WebKitDOMRef/Element_idl/Classes/Element/index.html , http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_cssom.html , http://www.siteexperts.com/forums/viewConverse.asp?d_id=20241
This is a paragraph with ID mypara. Here comes a line break...
And another one
And yet another
These are all just to get some height into the element.
That should do
And here comes an image with the ID kdesnake
And here comes an image with the ID kdesnake2, this should allow the window to be made small enough that this is off the bottom, but still having a usable window
That should be enough, now some JavaScript to see what we can find out about those elements...